
martes, 18 de junio de 2019

Rodrigo Giorgeta colabora con Nexe en su blog de actividades

El alumnado de 1º de Integración Social de Rodrigo Giorgeta colabora con la Associació Nexe en la puesta a punto de su blog de actividades, a través de un proyecto educativo de Aprendizaje basado por servicios en el que aprenden los contenidos y competencias de sus módulos formativos, a la vez que prestan un servicio real a la comunidad.

En este caso, a través del servicio de la puesta a punto del blog de actividades de Nexe, el alumnado va aprender conceptos y competencias como:
  • ¿Cuáles son las características, necesidades y recursos para las personas con problemas de salud mental?
  • ¿Cómo promocionar proyectos sociales?
  • ¿Qué es la dinamización comunitaria y cómo puedo desarrollarla?
  • ¿Cómo utilizar el inglés como herramienta de comunicación?
Entusiasmados/as por nuestra participación, esperamos que el nuevo blog sea una herramienta de comunicación de utilidad para las personas de Nexe. 

Aquí os dejamos de un resumen de nuestras impresiones del proyecto en inglés.

Students of Centro de Formación Rodrigo Giorgeta talk about their experience working with Nexe. Very nice messages some of them. Here you have some short reviews.

What did you know about Nexe and what do you know now?

"I didn´t know the existence of Nexe and I didn´t know what it was. I was when my teachers told me about it when we discover Nexe. Now I know that Nexe is an association aimed to people with mental health issues. The association organizes activities like football, yoga, drawing or knitting so those who have mental illness can improve their level of autonomy, they will achieve a level of acquaintances, and also because by doing this activities, they won´t stay at home all day. An example of the things Nexe does to improve the autonomy of the users is that the position of the coach in the pitch will be delegated to any of the users. Nexe encourages the communication and the relationship between users and other people in  public spaces. It is an association with no economic interest."
Ainhoa Aliño Moltó

"I knew nothing about Nexe, but now I know it is an association working with people suffering a mental illness. It has different activities that we can mention; soccer workshops, walking workshops, painting workshops and yoga workshops. And some of the users live in a protected flat."
 Inma Belenguer Lliso

What have you learnt about Nexe?

"Since I have been working with Nexe I have learned not to judge people by their appearance and I recognize that anyone setting a goal, can get it. I have also learned that what they really need is to have a space where they can meet other people and scape for a while from the routine, because what workshops mean to them is much more tha simply learning to do something. On the other hand I have also seen other ways of working within Nexe from any other associations since they don’t have a strategic place to hold their workshops."
Sofía Candel Blanco

"In this project I learnt a lot about people with mental illness, their cares and I have learnt about Nexe. Also I have learnt to make a blog and publish information on it. Moreover I have gone to the yoga workshop and I have learnt about this activity and how Nexe work with users. I have enjoyed a lot this experience."  
Jorge Mañés Bustos

"I have learnt in Nexe to see the naturalness and the freedom with which people with mental illness live. That there are no barriers to go on with their lives and social relationships. People with mental illnesses behave in a human manner more than deeply than the rest of the society."
Laura Vives Beltrán


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